At Surefit Carpets Goole we stock a wide range of rugs and rug accessories such as rug grips, our selection of rugs frequently changes, so for an up-to-date account of what rugs we have for sale please keep checking the Rugs section of our website. If you are interested in purchasing any of our rugs please don’t hesitate to contact us to arrange a delivery.

Rugs for sale at Surefit Carpets Goole

Free UK delivery on all rugs
We also offer anti-slip rug grips to place under your rug should you have it placed on a slippery surface such as polished wood or laminate flooring:

60x120cm up to 120x180cm 140x200cm up to 160x240cm 190x290cm up to 200x300cm 220x330cm up to 240x340cm
£7.00 £14.00 £21.00 £28.00

Anti-Slip Rug Mat
Call Surefit Carpets Goole on 01405 800554 to order today.